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Hi, I am Kanishk Vishwakarma

I am a roboticist

I am a PhD student at University of Limerick, Ireland making border surveillance drones intelligent, as a part of The GUARD Project. I completed my undergraduate engineering studies at BITS Pilani, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. My bachelor's thesis was at IIIT Hyderabad's Robotics Research Center where I worked on vision and language-assisted robot navigation. I led the autonomous navigation subsystem at Sally Robotics, researched and published on multiple applications of autonomous drones at CEERI, and helped build a Mars rover with CRISS.

In the past, I have worked with Intelligent Mobility Labs on robotic state estimation, autonomous navigation, and integrated the codebase of the perception and the self-driving AI team. I have also been the Joint Coordinator of Mechanical Engineering Association, the Outreach and Executive Committee Coordinator at The Radio Astronomy Club, and a part of Computer Science Association.


More About Me

I like reading about anthropology, astronomy, psychology, and fiction crime thrillers. I suggest you check out my digital book collection on various interesting subjects. My favorites are anthropology texts, and some of the best books I've read so far are Sapiens & Homo Deus both by Yuval Noah Harari, What Is Life by Erwin Schrödinger, and Power & Empire by Tom Clancy. I am also an avid runner and a flamenco guitar player.
Btw I use Arch :)

All play and no work

My experience in AI & robotics spans India's top research labs and startup teams. I have worked on various projects spanning robotics, machine learning, algorithm designing and web development. Below are some of the areas I have explored.

State Estimation & Mapping

I have worked on various projects on state estimation and localization. Two of my prominent SLAM implementations are LSD-SLAM and ORB-SLAM3 wherein I used the TUM's AR-Drone in ROS Kinetic. As a PhD student at University of Limerick, currently I am using LiDAR on autonomous drones, boats and submarines.

Autonomous Navigation

My robotics projects include, apart from hardware and firmware assembly, navigating the robots autonomously, be it a ground robot, aerial robot, or a submarine. I developed a dynamic waypoint follower and also made a few path planners such as straight-line and dual-line planners.

Computer Vision

I predominantly work in computer vision involving feature detection & description, feature matching, 3D registration, visual odometry and deep learning. I worked on FAST algorithm, Object Recognition, and currently working on autonomous drone control using reinforcement learning.

Robot Controller

Robot Controller

I made a robot controller in JavaScript and linked it to the TUM's AR-Drone running on another computer as SITL. ROSLibJS and python websocket were used in connecting the two devices over WiFi and communicating the control commands over the wireless channel.

Check out all my projects on YouTube & GitHub.

Get in touch

I love meeting new people, exchanging stories & ideas, and talking about everything under the sun :)

Where to Find Me

Department of Electronics & Computer Engineering
University of Limerick, Castletroy
Co. Limerick, V94 T9PX, Ireland

University Mail | Personal Mail

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